Linen is better for the environment
Linen is one of the most sustainable fibers. Producing Linen uses much less water as compared to producing other fibers.
Unlike synthetic textiles, natural fabrics like Linen are biodegradable, meaning their constituent molecules reabsorb into the
surrounding environment within a matter of years instead of centuries.

Natural fibers like Linen don’t contribute to the microfiber pollution in our oceans, which threatens aquatic and human life.

Linen in History
Linen is one of the oldest fibers used by humans. In olden times Linen was the choice of fabric for the attire of royalty and has been a symbol of nobility. the Ancient Egyptians sometimes used linen as a type of currency.

Advantages of Linen
Linen is naturally antibacterial & hypo-allergenic. Linen Bedding reduces the risk of fungal diseases and is great for the skin.
Warm in winter and cool in summer. Linen is both insulating and breathable.
Linen resists dirt and stains, has no lint or pilling tendency, and can be dry-cleaned, machine-washed, or steamed. It can withstand high temperatures.
Linen is stronger, dries more quickly, and is more slowly affected by exposure to sunlight. It softens the more it is used and washed, is extremely durable and lasts decades when cared for correctly. Pure Linen is an excellent investment.
Linen handkerchiefs, sheets, table covers and pillows have been passed from older to younger generations as family heirlooms. Vintage heirloom Linens are very sought after and valuable.